Vegetable growing. Gardening. Site decoration. Buildings in the garden

Pests and diseases: damage to the roots due to high humidity. Azimina three-lobed banana tree cultivation and care in the open field

In nature, there is a wide variety of fruit plants. Some of them are well known all over the world. Others are not very popular, but this does not make their fruits less tasty and healthy. These plants include pawpaw three-bladed, which has truly unique properties. In her honor, a special fruit festival is even held in the US state of Ohio near the city of Albany. What is this culture?

Azimina three-bladed

The pawpaw three-bladed fruit crop is a deciduous moisture-loving plant, whose homeland is North America. In nature, it is found only in the United States, where it grows in the form of shrubs along river banks and in shady forests on fairly moist soil. Some cultural forms paws have become widespread in other countries. Under favorable conditions, the plant often looks like a tree, which reaches a height of 12-15 m. Despite the fact that pawpaw is a subtropical plant, it has high frost resistance.

This fruit tree can serve as a wonderful decoration of the garden. The pyramidal crown of the plant looks very interesting. It is formed by large glossy ovoid leaves up to 33 cm long and up to 12 cm wide, which appear after the flowers bloom. In this case, the lower surface of each leaf has a reddish-brown tint.

During flowering pawpaw has a very decorative look thanks to large bright flowers of purple or red shades with a diameter of up to 6 cm. Each flower consists of only six large petals, which form peculiar lobes arranged in two rows, which made it possible to call pawpaw three-lobed. A feature of the plant is a slight, but unpleasant smell of stale meat, which disappears when the fruit appears.

paw fruit

Each flower of pawpaw three-lobed is able to set several fruits, since it has from 2 to 9 pistils. However, the very early maturation of the stigma of the pistil excludes the possibility of self-pollination of the flower, so the plants require cross-pollination. The fruits of pawpaw are berries of an irregular, oblong-curved shape. They ripen in late September - early October and, depending on the variety, have a mass of 60 g to 200 g.

The fruits are covered with a thin green skin, which later becomes yellowish. Inside the fruit is a sweet light pulp, which has a peculiar strawberry-pineapple aroma. The taste of pawpaw resembles both banana and mango at the same time. The fruits of the plant are collected in seedlings, in each of which there can be up to 9 of them at the same time.

In shape, the fruits have some similarities with bananas, which is why many people call paws a banana tree. Similarities can also be found in the composition of these plants, the main riches of which are pectin, ascorbic acid and trace elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Each fruit is high in nutrients. Azimina fruits, like other fruits, are used freshly picked, they are also used to make jam, jam, jam.

Different parts of the plant have specific medicinal properties. For example, azimine seeds contain the alkaloid aziminine, which is used in case of poisoning as an effective emetic that helps to remove toxins from the body. A decoction of young leaves is a good substitute for diuretics, and freshly squeezed juice has a noticeable anthelmintic effect. In addition, pawpaw three-lobed is capable of exerting a fairly strong antitumor effect. The extract from its fruits strengthens the immune system.

Azimina fruits are the most valuable food product. In addition to their nutritional and medicinal properties they give a person a pleasant taste sensation, contributing to the production of endorphin - the “hormone of joy”. This allows you to see in paws banana tree, which is a kind of substitute for vines with well-known fruits.

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Asimina is the only genus of deciduous shrubs and trees of the Annona family that can withstand extratropical conditions. Six out of ten species are distributed in the southern part of the USA (Texas, Nebraska, Ohio, Georgia, Florida, Virginia), another one is in the east, some of them are found in Spain, Italy, France, Japan.

The pawpaw has the best winter hardiness ( Asimina triloba) comes from Canada (Ontario). The plant withstands frosts down to -30 ° C and is successfully cultivated in temperate climatic conditions bordering on subtropical. Within the territory of middle lane Russia is also doing well.

Under natural conditions, pawpaw bushes grow to a height of 4-5 m, and trees can be fifteen meters high. On the site, growth is limited to 2-3 meters. The plant likes to settle along the banks of rivers, subject to looseness and moderate soil moisture in nature, it forms almost impenetrable thickets. The trunk and shoots are covered with a smooth gray bark, young branches are slightly pubescent.

Spreading crown forms a pyramidal shape. Elliptical leaves are narrow from the base, reach 7 cm in the widest part, narrow again towards the top, the leaf length is 20 cm. They are strong and hard to the touch, due to the glossy surface they seem artificial, thin side veins extend from the central vein. At young leaf the front part is a bright green hue, and as it grows, it darkens and acquires a grayish tint, the seamy side is a dull brick hue.

Winter hardiness pawpaws

Azimina is unpretentious in care and cold-resistant (the tree can withstand temperatures as low as -30 ° C), but it can be grown for fruiting only in regions with a mild climate (Black Sea region, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Caucasus). The growing season, along with fruiting, lasts 160 days, therefore, in the Moscow region, the Volga region, Belarus of the non-European part of Russia, pawpaw is cultivated as an ornamental leafy plant.

In central Russia, winter can be both warm and abnormally cold. It is advisable to cover young plants completely with a cardboard box, mulching the trunk circle with straw, wood shavings, and scraps of paper. It is advisable to wrap the base of the stem with a breathable material: spunbond, agril, burlap or a piece of nylon tights.

In an adult tree, clean the near-trunk circle of debris, pour a mound of earth 25-30 cm high around the trunk, mulch the near-trunk circle with a layer of peat or humus 10 cm thick. When snow falls, rake it up to the trunk, renew the snowdrift as it settles, while breaking the crust on the surface of the crust.

Flowering and fruiting pawpaws

The leaves bloom only towards the end of spring, they are ahead of the flowers that open in mid-April. So that the corollas do not suffer from recurrent spring frosts, nature protected them with a dense shell-casing. The flower is exotic and very decorative: a dense rounded milky core is framed by three inner and three outer petals. Their surface is veined, the color of the petal is dark scarlet, purple-purple, which makes them look like a tongue. In diameter, the corolla does not exceed 6 cm. The flowering period lasts about 20 days, a separate corolla lives for 7 days.

Each flower has several pistils, therefore it is able to tie from 3 to 9 fruits. If the purpose of cultivation is fruiting, at least two plants should be planted on the site for the pollination process. The flowers emit a slight smell, reminiscent of rotten meat.

If the inflorescences fall off at the beginning of summer, then they are not pollinated and will not bear fruit. In the middle of summer, there is a risk of losing part of the existing ovary if it is hot and dry. It takes 160 days to reach harvestable maturity at an ideal temperature of 18 ° C; they ripen faster in warm weather. Fruiting of a banana tree falls on September-early October.

The pawpaw fruits are similar in shape to papaya: oblong, angular, 5-15 cm long and 2-8 cm wide, weight varies between 50-350 g. Heat and drought adversely affect size and weight. The skin is pale green or yellowish, very thin and easily removed, but is extremely afraid of mechanical damage. The fruit is edible and tastes like a cross between banana, mango, feijoa and pineapple. The texture of the pulp is pasty, a shade of butter, exudes the aroma of strawberries with cream, the Americans compare it with custard. Oblong bones of a black-brown hue with a shiny surface are neatly inserted into it, in total there are 8-14 of them.

Thanks to the fruit, the pawpaw has many other names: pow-pow (resemblance to papaya fruit), Nebraska banana, northern, dog, Mexican banana, poor man's banana.

Useful properties and productivity of pawpaw

Mineral and vitamin composition

The fruits are not only unusual in taste, but also very useful. Nutrition is about 360 kcal per 100 g of weight, the same amount of weight contains 50-60 mg of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium, carotene, phosphorus, copper, essential amino acids (tryptophan, arginine, lysine).

The fruits do not cause allergic reactions, however, the high concentration of fructose and sucrose does not allow diabetics to eat them. Berries can be stored in fresh no more than 2-3 days, in the refrigerator - 5-6. Delicate tasty pulp is put into pastries, added to creams, marmalade, ice cream are made from it, jam, jam, compote can be prepared, but the shelf life does not exceed one month.

Medicinal properties of pawpaw

The medicinal properties of the plant were known to the ancient Indians. A decoction of pawpaw leaves was taken as a diuretic and anthelmintic, and an emetic was prepared from the seeds. The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic properties of the northern banana have been scientifically proven. Taking drugs prevents the development of tumors, including cancerous ones, and, if present, inhibits their growth, slows down the aging process, and helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Yield per tree

From one tree, from 25 to 40 kg of crops are harvested. Fruits must be removed in time, preventing falling off, because after damage they are completely unsound, the spoiled fruit acquires the taste of burnt coffee beans. The fragility of the fruit deprives us of the possibility of transportation. Definitely, pawpaw is not suitable for industrial cultivation. Of interest is only the cultivation of several trees in a personal garden plot.

Growing paws in open ground

You can count on your fingers exotic fruit-bearing plants that can be grown in the unstable climate of central Russia and Ukraine, Belarus. Cultivation of pawpaw is fraught with some difficulties, but the unique taste of the fruit and the beauty of exotic flowering definitely deserve it.

Firstly, the trunk and branches of paws are fragile, they can break under the weight of snow, from strong gusts of wind, and even a modest own crop can become a heavy burden for the tree. Be sure to install a support for the trunk, collect fruits in a timely manner, and remove the snow cap in winter.

Second, it's not easy. Seeds germinate with difficulty, some of the seedlings die, after transplanting into open ground, the survival rate is long. Fruiting begins from the 5th-6th year of life, but for now the pawpaw will serve as a decorative and leafy decoration of the site. It's good that the Nebraska banana lives for about half a century, you will definitely enjoy its fruits. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the root system, pawpaw shoots are extremely rare. It should be adapted to reproduction by grafting.

How to grow pawpaw from seeds

Please note: varietal characteristics are not inherited if the mother plant is a hybrid. Gather pawpaw seeds from the largest and always healthy fruits (without damage, mold or signs of decay). Be sure to stratify the seeds, otherwise they will not germinate at all. After being removed from the fruit, they quickly lose moisture; send for stratification immediately after collection.

  • In a small container filled with a sand-peat mixture in a ratio of 1 to 1, sow a few seeds, deepening by 3-4 cm.
  • Cover with a transparent bag and put in a cool damp place where the temperature ranges from 0 to +4 ° C (the vegetable section of the refrigerator is considered ideal).
  • After 3-4 months, we take out the container from the refrigerator, remove the seeds from the substrate, soak them in a growth stimulator solution and plant them in separate pots with a mixture of sand and peat, planting them to a depth of 3 cm.
  • If the seeds have already hatched, then there is no need to deepen: carefully place them on the substrate and lightly sprinkle with soil on top so as not to damage the roots.

In both cases, spray the soil with a fine spray, cover the container tightly with glass or a transparent bag and place it on a bright window sill, the air temperature should be at least 25 ° C.

Unfriendly appear from 6 to 8 weeks. During this time, lift the glass / bag daily to ventilate, spray as needed with a fine spray.

Grow seedlings without shelter, water moderately, with a height of 12-15 cm planted in separate pots. Transplant only one-year-old seedlings into open ground.

Vegetative propagation paws

Banana tree occasionally gives basal shoots. Experienced gardeners recommend digging, and the root connecting the process with mother plant incise 1/3, you will need to fill it with earth again. This is done so that the root system of the process develops more actively. If such manipulation is not carried out, be sure to create greenhouse conditions for the transplanted sprout by covering it with a bag. The key to survival is regular, but not too abundant watering, ventilate the greenhouse from time to time.

Reproduction by a piece of rhizome is allowed. We cut it off 8-10 cm long and plant it in a mixture of sand and peat. We arrange horizontally, deepening 5 cm into the soil. Until next spring, we grow pawberry seedlings at home: diffused lighting, moderate watering, keep the air temperature within 22-25 ° C.

Azimina requires a certain skill, and such plants will bloom already in the 2-3rd year. The graft is an absolutely healthy shoot tip 12-15 cm long, taken from a five-year-old tree. We cut the tip in a wedge shape, on the stock - straight.

We graft into a split: we make an incision 1.5 cm deep on the stock along the diameter, insert the graft there, the connection should be tight. We wrap it with several layers of polyethylene and fix it on top with electrical tape, remove all the lower side branches from the stock. Due to the high content of tannins, sections in the air quickly oxidize, so we act quickly. The graft takes root 1.5-2 weeks. This is evidenced by the formation of new leaves, and a callus (a kind of influx of connective tissue) also appears at the place of fixation.

Planting paws in open ground

When to plant

The transplant process is for pawpaw severe stress, she is “sick” and in this state she will not survive the coming winter in 1-2 months. Even in the southern regions, it is recommended to plant it only in the spring after the threat of return frosts has passed.

Where to plant paws

A place for growing paws, as for any tree in principle, must be chosen once and for all. Azimina loves light and warmth, so plant in sun-warmed areas without drafts and strong gusts of wind (remember the fragility of the crown).

Ideally, if there is a fence or wall on the north side in the distance. The root system does not tolerate dampness and waterlogging of the soil. Lowlands, flooded areas and places where groundwater passes at a depth of less than 2 m will not fit categorically. The first two years after planting, the trees may suffer from the rays of the scorching sun. It is recommended to spread a canopy over them from a couple of layers of gauze or other white covering material.

Landing Features

There are no special requirements for soil quality: it should be light, loose, slightly acidic (pH 5.0–7.0). In heavy loamy soil, pawpaw is also able to grow, but the pace of development is slow, and abundant fruiting should not be expected. We prepare the landing pit in advance, about 3-3.5 weeks before transplantation.

We dig it 50 by 50 cm in size. Mix the upper most fertile part of the excavated soil with compost or humus (pour 1 bucket of 10 liters), add wood ash (1 liter jar), which can be replaced with 40-50 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g potassium sulfate.

If the soil is loamy, heavy, we add an additional 2 buckets of coarse-grained river sand, a layer of expanded clay or pebbles can be laid on the bottom of the planting pit. We fill the prepared soil mixture into a hole and wait for the earth to settle and subside.

1 hour before planting, we water the seedling in a container abundantly to facilitate the extraction of an earthen clod (if the pot is peat, you can plant it with it). We cross with the maximum preservation of the earthen coma. To stimulate the appearance of basal shoots, the seedling can be placed at an angle of 40-45 ° C.

When deepening the root neck into loose soil by 10-12 cm, into heavy loam - by 5-8 cm. The earth cannot be tamped near the surface, we only lightly press it around the stem with our palms. Pour abundantly with 2-3 ten-liter buckets of water. After absorbing the liquid, we mulch the trunk circle with humus or peat chips.

Azimina is not a self-pollinating plant, so it is advisable to plant at least two trees on the site. So, keep the distance between them 3 meters, between the rows - 4-4.5 m. You can pollinate by hand, transferring pollen with a brush from one flower to another. The flowers give off a smell reminiscent of rotting meat, so they are able to attract flies that will help pollinate.

Care for paws in the open field

How to water

Although in the natural environment pawpaw prefers to grow along the banks of water bodies, moisture stagnation in the area negatively affects root system. In the garden, it is watered only in extreme heat. Every 10-12 days, depending on the age, we bring in 4 to 7 ten-liter buckets of water under each tree. From the end of August, we gradually reduce watering, by mid-October we completely exclude it.

Top dressing and mulching

Never dig up the soil in the trunk circle of paws, it can be loosened as much as possible at the surface, deepening by 2-3 cm. Mulch will help maintain soil moisture and save time, saving the gardener from having to loosen the soil surface after each watering. In the spring, gently loosen the soil and pour a layer of compost or humus into the trunk circle (under mature tree you will need 2-3 buckets with a volume of 10 liters). Every 2-3 years, add any nitrogen mineral fertilizer (ammonium sulfate, urea) to the mixture.

The tree reacts positively to top dressing, it is allowed to use organic matter and mineral fertilizers, alternating them. If the landing pit is filled at landing, the food will last for the first couple of years. Then every spring (around mid-April) feed with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. For this, a solution of infusion of chicken manure, mullein, dandelion leaves or nettle greens is well suited. Feed throughout the season with organic or complex mineral fertilizers to fruit trees(Master, Kemira Lux, Agros, Zdraven, Kind Force, etc.). In frequency and proportions, be guided by the recommendations of the manufacturer.


Do pruning paws in the spring. The plant bears fruit mainly on last year's shoots, so pruning is necessary for replacement: half of the shoots with flower buds are cut off by ¼ or 1/3 (for fruiting), the rest, the so-called growth ones, are shortened to the 2-3rd bud. For sanitary purposes, we cut off dry, frozen and damaged branches. Formative pruning is not required.

Azimina at home

Azimina is able to grow and bear fruit in room conditions. Even special dwarf varieties up to half a meter high, of course, their fruits are small (about 4 cm long), but no less tasty. The growth of other varieties is regulated by pinching the top, achieving a tree height of 1.5-2 m. If the dimensions of the room allow, there is no need to restrain growth.


Light-loving pawpaw needs bright lighting throughout the year. Plants under three years of age are susceptible to direct sunlight, so place flower pot on the southeast or southwest window sill, in winter it is advisable to move to the south side. By the way, in order to accelerate the growth rate, you can use additional illumination with phytolamps or fluorescent ones, extending the daylight hours up to 16 hours. For some 3 months, the tree will grow by half a meter.


An influx of fresh air will not be superfluous. On the summer season"relocate" paws to an open balcony, veranda or terrace, protecting from strong gusts of wind and rain. If you leave indoors, maintain the temperature regime within 22-25 ° C and ventilate regularly.

Watering and humidity

The plant prefers a rare, but fairly plentiful watering, the surface of the soil between the procedures should dry out. In the heat, water almost every 2 days, the rest of the time - once a week.

The level of humidity in the room is not a critical indicator for paws. Nevertheless, occasionally spray the tree from a fine spray until there are no ovaries and fruits. Wipe dust from the leaves with a damp sponge.

For spraying and watering, it is necessary to use softened water (rain, melt, filtered or settled for at least 48 hours tap water).

top dressing

From April to the end of September pawpaw is fed every 10-12 days. In view of the smell, organic matter is rarely used at room conditions; it is more convenient to use complex mineral fertilizers for fruit crops. When the flower pot is on the street, you can connect organic matter, only about 1 hour before adding it, water the tree so as not to burn the roots.


The pawberry transplant is perceived painfully, it is good that it can be planted in a pot “for growth”. Take care of the presence of drainage holes, lay a layer of pebbles, expanded clay, clay shards or small pebbles on the bottom. Transplant in case of emergency, transshipment along with a clod of earth. Immediately pour warm water, then do not moisten the soil for 5-7 days. As a substrate, we prepare a mixture of humus, leaf and sod land in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. For each liter of the mixture, add a handful of river sand and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wood ash.

rest period

In winter, the tree must be kept at a temperature of 3-8 ° C, but the lighting requirements remain the same. It is not necessary to feed, moisten the soil at intervals of 3-4 weeks.

Diseases and pests paws

The azimine does not suffer from pests and diseases, and the gardener is able to cause harm on his own by frequent and / or abundant watering. The danger is root rot. Signs of damage: sluggish browning leaves, dark spots on the fruits, the base of the trunk becomes blackened and “weeping”, the surface of the soil is covered with mold, the smell of rot emanates from it. Watering must be completely stopped. Two or three times with an interval of 4-7 days, it is necessary to treat with a solution of a fungicidal preparation such as Skor, Topaz, Kuprozan, Abiga-Peak. Save the plant is possible only in the early stages. If the defeat is severe, the tree will have to be dug up and burned. The plot in the garden must be treated with a solution of copper sulphate with a concentration of 2%.

The high immunity of the plant is due to the high content of tannins. To avoid possible troubles, avoid waterlogging the soil, and in order to prevent root rot, water paws every month with a solution of potassium permanganate of a slightly pink hue.

Types and varieties of paws

At home, the Nebraska banana is well known and loved. decorative tree and original taste fruits to gardeners in Asia, Europe, Russia have become known recently. Even a little growing experience made it possible to identify the nuances of cultivation, care, reproduction, and harvesting.

Of the dozens of representatives of the genus in the conditions central Russia only pawpaw three-bladed will take root. The best varieties bred by American breeders are Davis, Rebecca Gold, Pennsylvania Gold, Pennsylvania, Sunflower. Domestic breeders gave us the varieties Michurinka and Sochinskaya.

Pawpaw three-lobed pawpaw or pawpaw triloba is a plant of the Annonaceae family. Since outwardly the fruits are somewhat reminiscent of a banana and papaya, another name has arisen - "banana tree" or "American pow-pow". For the first time, they learned about paws in North America. Today, the fruit has spread almost all over the world and is most often found in wet lands near rivers.

Fruits of an oblong shape can reach a length of about 12 cm and a width of about 5 cm (see photo). The thin skin covers the beige flesh, which is very juicy. Sweet pawpaw has the aroma of a mixture of strawberries and pineapple.

Varieties of pawpaw

There are about six dozen varieties of paws today. Almost all of them were bred in countries such as Canada and the USA, which, however, is not at all surprising, because it is North America that is the historical homeland of this exotic plant for us. Thus, almost all varieties that are currently grown in Russia are of North American origin.

The most common varieties of paws:

  1. Davis - the fruits of this variety are quite High Quality; they have a pleasant yellow flesh and a sweet taste.
  2. Martin - distinguishing feature of this variety lies in its high cold resistance.
  3. Overlease - this variety has characteristics similar to the Davis variety.

In nurseries, you can also find pow pows ​​of the following varieties:

  • Green River;
  • Rebecca's Gold;
  • Mitchell;
  • Taylor and many others.

However, one should not think that the banana tree is not at all interesting to domestic breeders. This is not true! There are several varieties bred in the post-Soviet space. One of them, for example, is pawpaw dessert. The plant itself is medium-sized, its fruits are mid-ripening, reaching up to 270 grams in weight. The yellow pulp of the fruit takes up to 95%. It has a very pleasant mild taste.

Another domestic pow pow variety is called "Sochi 11". The plant is vigorous, but its fruits are early ripe. The fruits of this variety are large in size, in weight they can reach 350 grams. The flesh of the fruit is colored yellow-orange. Her taste is extremely pleasant.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of banana tree fruits are quite extensive. So, pawpaw (Pau Pau) has the ability to remove bad substances and decay products from the body, which means that it will be useful to use it in case of poisoning. It has been proven that regular consumption of fruits has a rejuvenating effect on the body. Due to the content of acetogenin, the fruit slows down the growth and prevents the spread of cancer cells. In addition, these substances have the ability to destroy cancer cells that are not killed by chemotherapy courses.

Paw paw extract (Pau Pau) has a positive effect on the state of the immune system. It also increases protective functions and reduces the negative effects of stress and free radicals on the body. Another fruit extract helps to cope with nervous disorders and psychoses.

Useful properties pawpaws are used for cosmetic purposes. For example, at home, you can make a mask from the pulp, which not only refreshes, but also tightens the skin. In addition, these masks have a rejuvenating effect.

It is part of paws and potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Due to the huge number of useful properties, this plant is used in the pharmacological industry for the manufacture of drugs that are aimed at combating cancer.

Use in cooking

Azimina (Pau Pau) is used in cooking not only fresh, but also processed. In order to preserve the fruits for a long time, they are preserved, and jams and jams are also made. Fruit can be used to make syrup, marmalade and various drinks. In addition, the pulp is used as a filling for baking, and many delicious desserts can also be prepared from it.

Harm pawpaw (Pau Pau) and contraindications

Harm pawpaw (Pau Pau) can bring people with individual intolerance to the product, as well as diabetics, because its fruits contain a lot of sucrose. Contraindications to the use of fruit are in pregnant and lactating women.

Growing a plant and caring for it

Growing a banana tree in Russia is possible in those regions that account for at least 160 frost-free days per year. The most suitable territories are the Crimea, the Krasnodar Territory and the Caucasus. In addition, with additional watering, pawpaw can be grown in the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions, in Kalmykia, as well as in the Saratov region. If, in addition to watering, the tree is also provided with light shelter for the winter period, then it can also be planted in the Kursk, Voronezh, Belgorod, Orenburg and Samara regions.

The soil for a banana tree should be slightly acidic and light. Clay and alkaline soils are not suitable for this purpose at all. In addition, it should be borne in mind that paws do not tolerate stagnant water, and therefore the bottom of the landing pit is best equipped with drainage.

Carefully when planting a plant, you also need to consider the choice of site. It should be sufficiently warm and lit, as well as reliably protected from the winds.

Plants can be grown using seeds, root offspring and cuttings.

Let's consider the first option first. Since pawpaw is a tropical plant, then its seeds should be stratified at a temperature range from +5 to +7 degrees (stratification is the process of keeping the seeds of a plant at a certain temperature in order for them to germinate faster, in addition, such manipulation allows you to increase germination). Before planting, the seeds should be soaked in water for five days. At the same time, the water is changed daily. After a five-day period, the seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of about three centimeters. The first sprouts, if everything was done correctly and the indicated nuances were observed, should appear a month after planting. In addition, we draw your attention to the fact that seedlings grown in this way should not be disturbed and replanted, since paws have a very delicate root system that is easy to injure. Thus, it is better for a tropical tree to immediately determine the "permanent residence" on the site.

The next option for growing paws is growing with the help of root offspring. So, the root offspring must be broken off, planted deep into the soil, and then watered well. The first shoots will break through a month after planting.

As for planting paws with cuttings, it is carried out as follows. The stalk is cut in the spring, and then buried, leaving only one kidney. After that, a mini greenhouse is built for the cutting. It is constantly aired, and the plant is watered abundantly. After a month, the first sprouts should appear. It will be possible to plant a similar seedling for permanent residence next year.

Azimina care is not difficult. The main thing is sufficient watering, since the plant is moisture-loving. As for top dressing, then in the first year of life it is not needed at all. Then nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers should be applied to the soil. In addition, you need to loosen the root zone, but in no case dig it up, so as not to damage the root system.

In some regions, which were discussed earlier, the tree will have to be insulated for the winter.

Since natural plant pollinators, such as hummingbirds, do not live in our latitudes, pollination process will need to be taken into your own hands. You will need a piece of cotton wool attached to a stiff wire for this. With the help of this simple device, you will need to transfer pollen from one flower to another. However, you can not do this, entrusting the process of pollination to the wind.

Summing up, we note that following all the above recommendations, you can please yourself and your loved ones with delicious and very healthy fruits.

Quite unusual and interesting is a plant called Azimina. Growing in open field of this exotic tree is quite possible in our latitudes. As it turned out, the banana tree, as Azimina is popularly called, perfectly tolerates frosts down to -20 degrees, and short ones even up to -35 degrees.

In its appearance, Azimina three-lobed belongs to deciduous trees, while not being tropical. The plant is famous for its large leaves, which have a bright green color and a glossy surface. Like all deciduous, autumn period the tree sheds its leaves for the winter.
Azimina blooms from April to May with small burgundy or brown flowers.

The exotic component of the plant are oblong fruits, which turn yellow as they ripen, and resemble bananas.

Growing methods

The banana tree is native to North America, but today it can be found in Europe and even Japan. Russian gardeners also noticed this bright and interesting tree planting in open ground. It should be noted that the most attractive conditions for Azimina will be the southern regions of the country. At the same time, gardeners in the northern districts should not be upset, as they will also be able to try the exotic banana. To do this, it is recommended to plant the plant in a pot for the winter period, and plant it in open ground from spring to autumn.
Azimina three-blade is indicated for amateur gardeners, as it is not whimsical at all and does not suffer from various diseases and pests. The most popular varieties are: Martin, Sochinskaya 11, Rebecca's Gold, etc.

How to plant

For a banana, you should properly prepare the land, which must be fertile and drained. Azimina is excellent with organics, favorable to moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant water at all.
If you decide to plant this exotic tree in your home, then it is best to select a well-lit place, in extreme cases, a little shaded. If the plant is very small, then it can be planted in the shade, and then transplanted as it grows. Protect Azimina from drafts.


The process of propagation of a banana tree is quite complicated, which can be carried out using seeds, root shoots or grafting. Seeds germinate very poorly and for a long time, the shoots are not numerous, and young shoots do not take root well.
If you are still lucky and the plant has taken root, then it requires traditional care. Constant regular watering, top dressing in spring summer period, mulching the near-stem zone and pruning as needed. As a rule, it is done immediately after the winter period, until the sap flow begins.

Azimina, which is grown in open ground, must be covered for the winter period, especially when it comes to a young plant. If the tree grows in a tub, then for this period it should be brought into the room.

Azimina three-bladed

Lyashenko Nikolai Alexandrovich , breeder (1956-2012)

Among the huge variety of tropical flora, the Annonaceae family stands out. Annonovye - the largest family in the order of Magnoliaceae (Magnoliales) includes 120-130 genera and more than 2100 species, distributed in all tropical and partly subtropical countries of both hemispheres. In this family there are plants that give fruits of high quality: Rollinia muscosa - Rollinia mucosa - the fruits of which are considered one of the most delicious among all Annona (Bernd Nowak, Bettina Schulz, 2002); Stelechocarpus burahol Hook s Tomson - Kepel - whose fruits are so fragrant that the sweat of the person who tastes them takes on the smell of violets.

In the genus Annona itself, there are about 150 species, of which about 20 produce edible fruits. Among the latter, A. cherimola Mill has the best qualities. - Annona cherimola, recognized by many connoisseurs as almost the best fruit in the world. The taste is reminiscent of a mixture of strawberry, pineapple and banana. It grows in the Andes at an altitude of 1400-2000 (2800) m above sea level in the border area between Peru and Ecuador. A subtropical plant, the hardiest of all cultivated annonas. Representatives of A. muricata L - A. prickly, A. purpurea Sesse s Mocino - A. purple, A. reticulata L. - A. reticulated, A. sguamosa L.- A. scaly and other species. All of them, according to Bowden (1948), have 2n=16. Unfortunately, these species do not tolerate frost and therefore cannot be grown in our country in open ground.

The subfamily Annonovye (Annonoideae) includes three tribes. Tribe Uvarievyh (Uvarieae) unites 40 genera. To this tribe belongs the only extratropical genus of the Annonovs - Azimina, Asimina (Asimina) 2n=18. The scientific name of the genus comes from "assimin", the Native American name for this plant. This genus includes 8 species, the fruits of which are edible and taste like sweet avocados, common in the 25 states of the United States and southern Ontario Canada. These are shrubs, less often trees 1-12 m high, and those growing in the north have falling leaves, while those growing in more southern latitudes have evergreen leaves (Kral R., 1960; Callaway, 1992).

1. Asimina incarna Bartr. (or A. speciosa Nash.) is low bush up to 1.5 m high, growing in southeast Georgia and northeast Florida. It blooms from March to May with large 4 cm in diameter, white fragrant flowers. The fruits are small and tasty.

2. A. longifolia Kral shrub 1-1.5 m high is found in northeast Florida and southeast Georgia, blooms from April to July with white fragrant flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, fruits 4-10 cm long.

3. A. obovata Nash. (A. obovate) tall shrub 2.5 m tall growing in southeast, northeast and north-central Florida, blooms from March to June with large (6-10 cm in diameter) white fragrant flowers, the most beautiful of all genus, with small fruits (5-9 cm).

4. A. parviflora (Michx.) Dun. (A. small-flowered) - height up to 2 m grows only in the south (from Florida to Texas, in southeast Virginia and Tennessee). It blooms from April to May with small 1.5 cm in diameter dark burgundy flowers. The length of its fruits is only 3 to 6 cm.

5. A. pygmaea Bartr. (A. dwarf)- very short, 20-30 cm. Distributed from central Florida to southeastern Georgia. It blooms from April to June with burgundy flowers 2 cm in diameter and fruits 3-4 cm long.

6. A. reticulata 1.5 m high grows on poorly drained Florida sands, blooms from April to June with white flowers 5 cm in diameter, produces fruits 4-7 cm long.

7. A. tetramera Small. is a shrub 1-3 m high, growing on the coastal dunes of eastern Florida and blooming from May to August with dark maroon flowers 3 cm in diameter.

8. A. triloba Dun (A. three-lobed)- deciduous tree. This is the most winter-hardy species. From the Annon family, the only fruit plant in the temperate zone it is distributed to the Great Lakes (430 north latitude) and therefore is of the greatest interest for cultivation in our country.

Azimina can be grown from 5 to 8 climate zone. In winter, the pawpaw enters a period of deep dormancy. Trees belonging to the northern forms need exposure to low temperatures, no less long than the apple tree of the Northern Scout variety and the peach of the May flower variety. Forms of pawpaw growing in the north of the range: in the south of Ontario Canada, west of the state of New York to Wisconsin and Michigan, as well as in the south of Iowa and east of Nebraska, USA, can withstand frost of -30-35 ° C (see Fig. .1-3). In Rostov-on-Don in the winter of 2005-2006. pawpaw withstood frost of -32°C (Maltseva A.N. 2006).

One of the reactions to harsh environmental conditions is the formation of polypolyids. It was migration to areas with low air and soil temperatures that caused the formation of polypoloids in the northern parts of the ranges of many species. Polypoloidity undoubtedly contributes to an increase in the period of winter dormancy (G. V. Eremin, 1977).

Frost hardiness zones on a map of North America. The map is divided into 3 zones. The average annual minimum temperature in zone A is below -40°C, and the extreme- much lower. In zone B, the probability of a minimum temperature of -40°C is limited. -40°C is unlikely in zone B. Trees capable of deep hypothermia are found only in the southern part of zone A. However, they predominate in the forests of zones B and C.

Fig 1

Plants that endure negative temperatures achieve this in various ways. One of the most important is the prevention of freezing in certain vital plant tissues. Freezing prevention is achieved by deep supercooling, which increases stability only up to a certain limit, but it is never below the homogeneous nucleation temperature of the cell sap (about -40°C).

The range of the genus Azimina

Fig 2

Approximate boundaries of zones with an average minimum temperature (0°C) 1 - below -45, 60°C; 2- -45.6…-40°C ; 3- -40…-34, 40°C ; 4- -34.4 …-28.9°C ; five- -28.9…-23.3°C ; 6- -23.3…17.9°C ; 7- -17.9…-12.2°C ; 8- -12.2…-6.7°C ; nine- -6.7…-1.1°C ; 10- -1.1…1.1°C . (According to the map of plant frost resistance zones, the Ministry Agriculture USA, Publication 814, 1960).

Fig 3

The beginning of pawpaw vegetation occurs at a steady transition of average daily temperatures through 10°C. The sum of effective temperatures (above 10°C) required for the ripening of fruits of early forms is 2600°C (FK Ivanenko, 2008). These forms can be grown in areas where peach and mid-ripening grapes are grown. Mass flowering of paws occurs at an average daily temperature of 12-14 ° C. Shoot growth begins shortly after flowering begins. The growth of shoots occurs mainly in May-August (Maltseva A.N., 2001). In pawpaw, one wave of shoot growth is observed, during which generative buds of the next year are laid on the growing shoots. The laying of generative buds occurs on growth current year, and their formation is completed by the end of growth. The duration of the shoot growth period depends on the onset of hot and dry weather. The duration of the growing season (beginning - mass budding, ending - completion of leaf fall) for the early forms of pawpaw fluctuated within 150 ± 8-15 days.

Photo 1 and 2

Three-lobed pawpaw trees with a wide-pyramidal evenly leafy crown (see photo 1.2) reach a height of 4-7 (at home about 12) meters, a width of 4 m. They grow slowly and begin to bear fruit for 4-8 years. Trees are durable- You can find specimens over 100 years old. In Odessa, since 1948, the oldest pawpaw tree in Ukraine has been growing and bearing fruit. In photo 3, Konstantin Zawisha is holding onto it with his left hand.

Photo 3

The gray bark of the trunk and branches of pawpaw is smooth (see photos 4 and 5).

Photo 4 and 5

annual shoots- brown-brown, smooth. In this plant, the buds are divided into vegetative and generative, mixed buds are absent. In the terminal part of the shoots, the buds are only vegetative. Lateral buds can be generative and vegetative. Vegetative buds on them are solitary, small, pointed, 2-4 mm long, generative buds are round, 3-4 mm in diameter, pubescent (photo 6, 7, 8)

Photo 6 and 7

Photo 8

The skeletal branches of paws are formed strictly in one plane, that is, a classic palmette is obtained. Since the branches are thin, and some seedlings reach a significant weight, it is necessary to put props under them.

The leaves are leathery, whole and entire, dark green, oval-oblong, pointed at the apex and tapering to a short thick petiole, 20-30 cm long and 10-15 cm wide (see photo 9) arranged in two rows on short stipules without stipules, hanging down, give tropical plant. Thanks to the beautiful large leaves of pawpaw, it is very decorative. Large drooping paws leaves are damaged by strong winds, which must be taken into account when planting. At the end of the growing season, the color of the leaves changes, which acquire a bright golden hue. The pawpaw trees in their autumn attire of large bright leaves are very decorative. In mid-autumn, the leaves turn yellow (see photo 2, 10) and fall off, and new leaves grow in late spring after flowering.

Photo 9 and 10

Pawberry flower buds, thanks to a thin insulating sheath, tolerate spring frosts quite freely (see photo 11).

Photo 11

The flowering of paws occurs in the spring before leaf buds bloom, in paws of northern origin with leaves blooming at about the same time as the apple tree and lasts 2-3 weeks. In Orenburg, flowering begins in mid-May and ends in the first decade of June. Solitary or in sympodial inflorescences hanging bell-shaped flowers at first green, then copper-red or dark chestnut, which become almost black by the end of flowering (see photos 12-17).

Photos 12 and 13

Photos 14 and 15

Flowers appear in the axils of the leaves on the growth of the previous year, so mature trees are pruned annually for replacement. Pruning for replacement consists in the fact that part of the shoots with flower buds are cut through one by ¼ of their length, and part of the shoots, especially growth ones, on which there are no flower buds, are cut short, by 2-3 buds (Shaitan I. M., Chuprina L. M., 1989). Also, before the start of growth, sanitary pruning is carried out, broken, dry, as well as branches growing inside the crown are removed (see Fig. 4 and photo 58).

Rice. 4

The pawpaw flowers are monoecious original look, the calyx consists of three sepals of light green color, the corolla up to 5 cm in diameter is composed of six triangular petals arranged in two circles; the outer petals are larger than the inner ones. Each flower contains 30 bright yellow stamens, arranged in a spiral, on short filaments with elongated anthers, several pistils rise above them, which explains the ability of one flower to form up to 9 fruits (see photo 18). Pedicel and calyx covered with soft brown hairs.

Photo 18

This species is characterized by a significant degree of sterility when self-pollinated, since isolated trees do not bear fruit. The flowers are bisexual, but not self-pollinating.

Azimina can be pollinated by its own pollen, but pollination within the same flower is excluded. The flowers are protogenic, i.e. first, the stigma of the pistil ripens, becoming glossy green and sticky, and when brown pollen from the anthers of the stamens begins to spill out after 2-3 days, the pistil has already withered. Therefore, the first flowers do not give ovaries. In some flowers, these phases overlap, which allows them to self-pollinate and allow more ovaries to form. Even with artificial pollination, the ovaries give about 60% of pollinated flowers, and about 80% of the formed ovaries fall off. The pawpaw flowers have a weak, but very bad smell, the smell of rotting meat that attracts flies, the main pollinators in our area. To increase the number of ovaries formed, to attract flies, paws are laid out under the trees on polyethylene film viscera remaining after cutting fish, poultry, etc. For best pollination, it is recommended to plant at least two trees.

The resulting ovaries do not develop for 2-3 weeks, while most of them fall off, and the rest begin to grow from the second half of July (see photos 19-22).

Photo 19 and 20

Photo 21

Photo 22

In late August - early September, they stop increasing in size and ripen (see photos 24-30). A sign of fruit ripening is a change in color from light green to yellowish green or yellow, their softening and the appearance of a strong aroma. They ripen within 4 weeks, when ripe they crumble. The fruits in the seedlings do not ripen at the same time, but the seedlings fall off only after the last fruit has ripened in it, which is why the first ripened fruits overripe on the tree. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to check the maturity of the fruits in the infructescences after the beginning of their color change. Ripened fruits fall off when lightly touched, while unripe ones hold firmly. Fruits are harvested as they ripen and fall from the tree. The yield of pawpaw, in comparison with many other fruit trees, is very low. At the age of 20-25 years, it is from 20 to 40 kg of fruits from a tree, but this disadvantage is compensated by their excellent taste and absolute resistance of plants to diseases and pests. Yields of up to 48 kg of fruit per tree have been reported; nice trees should give 50-100 fruits.

Photo 23

Photo 25 and 26

Photo 27

Photo 28

Ripe fruits are kept fresh room temperature 2-3 days, 3 weeks in the refrigerator. They must be used immediately after maturation. In order for the fruits to be stored for some time after harvest and to be transported normally, they must be removed from the tree 5-7 days before full ripening, at the beginning of their softening. Azimina fruits are not very transportable and require careful handling during collection and transportation. They can be plucked from the tree while still firm and stored in the cold for up to 6 months. If the fruits plucked from the tree are placed in a place lit by the sun for several hours, then they do not grow moldy and ripen in room conditions for 10-12 days. Colds even above 0 degrees cause blackening of the fruits remaining on the tree and a deterioration in taste.

The pawberry fruit is a juicy multi-seeded berry, shaped and appearance reminiscent small sizes banana, which is why the plant got its unofficial name banana of Nebraska or Indiana, northern banana. It is the largest wild fruit in the United States. The fruits are usually oblong-cylindrical 3x10 or 3x15 cm, weighing from 67 to 200 g, single or in groups of 2 to 9 fruits, usually there are 2-3-5, the seedlings resemble a hand (see photo 34), for which they received English language the name PAW PAW, which means PAWS PAWS.

Cultural forms and varieties have dimensions of 5 x 16 or 7 x 16 cm, weighing 500-800 g (photo 31-33).

Photo 31

Photo 32 and 33

Photo 34

As it matures, the color of the fruit constantly changes: at first light green, then lemon yellow, and finally dark brown. Under the thin translucent, easily peeling skin of the fruit, covered with a thin prune coating, there is a yellow or orange pulp rich in fructose and sucrose, resembling butter in texture, with a very sweet taste and a delicate pineapple-strawberry aroma. The taste of this very fragrant fruit is hard to describe, something like a creamy mixture of banana, mango and pineapple. Americans call it custard flavor.

By chemical composition pawpaw fruits are close to banana. The sugar content is up to 25% (which is 2 times more than in peaches and pears), vitamin C up to 62 mg /%, proteins up to 1%. It also contains vitamin A, fats, trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron). contains more protein than bananas. The calorie content of the fruit pulp is 359 cal/kg, which gives it a high nutritional value. The pawberry fruits contain more vitamins, minerals and amino acids than apples, peaches and grapes. Delicate creamy pulp and original aroma make it an excellent dessert, the fruits are suitable for making raw jams, marmalade, preserves, ice cream, and can also serve as a filling for cakes and pies. Azimina can be preserved with sugar. To do this, cut the fruits along (see photo 35) and remove the seeds from them. IN glass jar, on the bottom of which granulated sugar is previously poured, the cut fruits are laid in layers, alternating them with layers of sand. Sugar will need as much as the pulp of the fruit. The jar is hermetically sealed. In this state, pawpaw is stored. Even at room temperature, it does not lose either taste or aroma (L. Gogolashvilli, Sukhumi). According to travelers, when eating pawpaw fruits, the local population was saved from poisoning, and when long-term use- the human body literally rejuvenated, getting rid of accumulated harmful toxins. Local residents said that a month after drinking pawpaw, the intestines become like those of a baby. From the pulp of pawpaws make face masks.

The pulp of the fruit contains 10-14 brown-black large seeds arranged in two rows (see photos 35 and 35-1).

Photos 35 and 35-1

Seeds should not be chewed (they have an emetic effect), but accidentally swallowed will not bring harm.

Photo 36

The best forms of pawpaw contain no more than 5-6 seeds and up to 92% pulp in fruits. The pawpaw seeds are large, like persimmons (see photo 36), are equipped with a layer of air-bearing spongy tissue under a hard peel and once in a river or lake, they can swim for weeks and even months until they rot or, having washed ashore, when favorable conditions, will germinate (see photo 37). The wild-growing pawpaw three-lobed grows in the woodlands of the eastern United States with a humid continental climate, on loose soils in floodplains, often forming dense thickets (see Photos 37-39).

Photo 37

Photo 38

Photo 39

Thickets in this place could be formed from the fact that several seeds were nailed with water during the flood of the river, from root offspring or pellets of animals eating pawpaw. In nature, the fruits are eaten by squirrels, raccoons, foxes, deer, opossums and many birds (Photo 40).

Photo 40

Seeds that are not damaged in the stomach are carried over long distances. The fact is that from seeds that have passed through the digestive tract of animals, plants grow especially viable, which means that they are more likely to survive than plants from ordinary seeds (I. S. Isaeva, 2005)

Azimina is propagated by root offspring, layering, seeds, and grafting.

A little root growth grows from the rhizomes, but it slowly forms its root system and does not tolerate transplanting well. Separating the root shoots by cutting the rhizomes a year before transplanting can enhance the development of the root system.

With seed reproduction, splitting is observed in the offspring in many ways, which is widely used in breeding and when introducing pawpaws to the more northern and eastern regions of the country. Azimina seeds have high germination, but they germinate slowly, unevenly, seedlings develop poorly in the first year. Harvesting of fruits for harvesting seeds is carried out when they are fully ripe. Drying seeds taken out of the fruit reduces their germination from 90 to 15-20%. For good germination, the seeds must be stratified at a temperature of 0-4° Cwithin 90-120 days. After separation from the pulp, the seeds are either sown in the ground or stored in wet moss, sawdust, sand, etc. in the bottom of the refrigerator for 3-4 months. Seeds that have undergone stratification are planted in containers 20-25 cm high to a depth of 3 cm during wet soil. Germination takes place at a temperature of 24-29° Cwithin 9 weeks, and at a temperature of 29-32° C10 days earlier. Seeds planted late autumn, sprout in July next year.

A seedling, from seeds planted in open ground on October 30, 2007, sprouted on July 3, 2008 (see photo 41.) Helping to get rid of the seed coat, growth shoots were damaged in two pawberry seedlings. The first one (it was pulled out of the flowerpot) had a root of 18 cm. The second one was left in place (in photo 43 - stumps in the background) formed many green buds with constant watering. One of them sprouted and by the end of August a shoot with three true leaves had formed (Photo 44).

Photo 41 and 42

Photo 43 and 44

Photo 45 and 46

Photo 47 (nursery)

K. Zawisha was asked what needs to be done so that the leaves on the seedlings growing in a room in Novosibirsk fly around. K. Zawisha recommended drying the plants. Our seedlings sprouted in July, and in September we have frosts, and in order to somehow prepare the plant, we stopped watering from the first of August, but not quite.

During the day, the air temperature was 28 ° C, broken branches from maple, with which we shaded paw seedlings, burned out on the second day (photo 45) and were replaced by new ones. In mature plants, the leaves hang down (Photo 9-10), in seedlings they are in a horizontal position (Photo 42, 46), even when the ground is cracked from the heat (Photo 46). Watering of the seedlings was carried out when, during the morning examination from 6 to 8 o'clock, the turgor was not restored, i.e. the leaves remained drooping. By the end of August Bottom part seedlings began to lignify (photo 44 - on the left under the finger).

Young seedlings are sensitive to light and dry air. In the open, young leaves get sunburned (photo 49).

Photo 49

Usually, until they have 12 leaves and they are 15-30 cm tall, they are left in partial shade, similar to that of trees growing in the depths of the forest. To shade the seedlings from direct sunlight and protect them from frost, supports are installed near the seedlings, on which gauze is put on in summer, and insulating material in winter (see photo 53). Young plants for the first 3-4 years must be covered from the cold. The pawpaw has fleshy brittle roots - transplantation contributes to the death of young trees to a greater extent than in the case of other types of fruit crops. Young sprouts have a sensitive root system, so they are not transplanted, but transshipped, grown in containers (see photos 42-45, 50), flowerpots, etc.

Photo 50

To sow seeds before winter, do the following:

A) choose a place on a hill between trees (stagnation of water from melt water and provides shading for future seedlings)

B) dig a hole 30-35 cm deep, pour drainage (expanded clay, broken red brick, crushed stone, etc.) at the bottom of the hole with a layer of 5-10 cm

C) preparation of the "container" plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5 liters, cut off the upper part (leaving at least 25 cm), make holes in the bottom and sides with a hot metal rod (to drain excess water), fill the containers by 1/3 (expanded clay, broken red brick, crushed stone, etc. .), 2/3 fill soil mixture: 1 part humus, 1 part peat, 1.5 parts wood dust, 0.5 parts sand

D) "containers" are installed in a pit so that the upper part is at the level of the soil, the empty space between them is filled with wood dust, peat or humus

E) seeds isolated from pawpaw fruits or stored in a wet state in refrigerators until planting are sown in "containers" to a depth of 3 cm. The sown seeds are watered, the last watering is carried out before shelter. With the onset of cold weather (below 100C), the "containers" are covered with fallen leaves 25-30 cm thick. In this place, pawberry seedlings grow for 2 years. Normal care - watering, weeding. In the autumn of the first and second years, pawberry seedlings are protected for the winter in the following way: two slits are made in the upper part of the container from top to bottom 3-4 cm long, the slits are one on top of the other. When the upper part of the “container” is compressed, the cut edges crawl over each other, thereby reducing the diameter of the “container” on which one and a half liter bottle without bottom. The height of the bottle depends on the height of the seedling. A box is made around the bottles (from boards, cardboard, slate, etc.), which are filled up for the winter (fallen leaves, plant debris, peat, etc.). In the spring, the shelter is removed. In the autumn of the second year, seedlings that have grown to 30 cm and above are ready for transshipment.

Do this in the spring, when the plant starts to grow. When choosing a landing site in areas exposed to strong winds, the possibility of wind protection should be taken into account, using the features of the relief, the presence of buildings, trees in the directions most exposed to the wind. In a hole prepared in advance for planting a plant (see below), a hole is drilled slightly larger than the diameter of the flowerpot, container, etc. and seedling paws with a clod of earth are placed in a hole, the soil is compacted and watering is carried out.

Pits measuring 80x80x80 cm are dug in autumn at a distance of 4 m in a row and 7 m between rows. If the soil is heavy clay, drainage is done in the planting pits, filling them 1/3 with crushed stone, or broken red brick, or pebbles, or expanded clay, or ASG, etc. The soil should be light, loose, moist, fertile and slightly acidic (pH 5-7). For this landing pits fill with the following mixture: 3 parts of humus (rotted manure), 1 part of coniferous litter, 1 part of soddy land, 1 part of sand. Plants grown from seeds usually begin to bloom and bear fruit after 5-8 years, which depends on the quality of the seeds, variety and conditions of detention. Vaccinations are done at the end of April, beginning of May, with a cutting in a split, or at the end of July, beginning of August, by occlusion in the butt. A grafted tree may start flowering in 2-3 years (see photos 51-54). The plant is photophilous, however, in the first two years of life, shading is required from the direct sun.

Photos 51 and 52

Photos 53 and 54

A slight shading from neighboring trees will not depress paws and at the first stage will allow you to create for the plant favorable conditions, but the trees left in the shade develop worse than in the sun and react painfully during transplantation - growth stops for 1-2 years. Mature plants prefer full sunlight. Azimina develops slowly, however, with an increase in daylight hours to 16 hours, the growth rate increases: in three months a young tree can grow up to 1.5 m in height.

The plant needs approximately 800 mm of precipitation per year. You need to water regularly from spring to autumn, constantly keeping the soil moist, but stagnant water should be avoided. To preserve moisture, mulching between rows and tree trunks is mandatory (see photo 55). In the future, it is advisable to switch to a system of artificial soil sodding perennial herbs, with their periodic mowing and use as mulch in the tree trunks. Mulching of near-trunk strips is a necessary element of agricultural technology, allowing to reduce the temperature of the soil surface in summer and contributing to the conservation of moisture in the soil (F.K. Ivanenko, 2008) (see photos 56-57). This creates a more favorable temperature and air conditions. During growth, once every two weeks, the plant is fed with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer. It turned out that pawpaw responds well to organic and nitrogen-phosphorus supplements.

Photo 55-1

Photos 56 and 57

Photo 58

Azimina was introduced into the culture a little over 100 years ago, and therefore there are few varieties of it. In culture, varieties bred in the USA and Canada are grown. In total, about 60 of them are known (see Appendix No. 1), the fruits of which differ in ripening time, fruit size, and seed size. Selection of pawpaws is carried out primarily in its homeland in the USA and Canada. At the beginning of the 20th century, it attracted public interest in the United States, where work began on its widespread introduction into culture. To encourage the search for good pawpaw, in July 1916 the Journal of Heredity offered a $50 prize for photographs of the largest trees and specimens of the best fruit. The largest tree photographed in Indiana was 1.5 m in diameter at a height of 1 m and 8 m high. From August 16 to October 28, 75 fruit samples were taken. Mrs. Ketter's from southern Ohio was the best example, called "Ketter," but good fruit also came from Kansas, Maryland, Indiana, and Missouri. Nine cultivars were sent from Illinois, but they were bred in Arkansas, Virginia, Ohio, and Illinois. The flesh of the best of these was light to bright yellow, but there was great variation in fruit size and some variation in seed size.

Zimmerman of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania collected and grew every variety available. He also raised seedlings the best varieties and other species from Florida and Georgia and considered the best early seedling from "Ketter" named "Fairchild". Currently, two varieties "Davis" and "Overlease" stand out. Both are yellow meat and are considered to be of excellent quality. Variety "Martin" - is considered quite cold-resistant. Zimmerman crossed A. triloba with A. longifolia and A. obovata. Seedling fruits of the best selected forms had too little to too much flavor.

Kral R. noted putative hybrids of A. triloba x parviflora, discovered natural hybrids of longifolia x pygmaea, pygmaea x reticulata, reticulate x obovata, pygmaea x obovata, speciosa x longifolia, and described other putative hybrids. He notes that hybrids also bear fruit and produce seeds abundantly, like parental species. Hybrids between Azimina species are common, either as intermediates or backcrosses. There is currently a real horticultural boom in the United States, reminiscent of what happened once with kiwi and mango. Our compatriots who have visited the USA also speak enthusiastically about the new fruit. Azimina has huge potential. In addition to nutritional value, pawpaw is used in the development of anti-cancer drugs. A huge number of seedlings have been produced in more than 40 nurseries in the United States. Great demand for pawpaw seedlings and seedlings determined the price of one-year-olds at $18 and $27, respectively.

The center of commercial cultivation of pawpaw is southeastern Ohio, where the Pawpaw Festival is held annually near the city of Albany.

In Russia, pawpaw appeared in the middle of the 19th century, however, until the beginning of the 20th century, it grew, mainly in botanical gardens. Since the beginning of the 20th century, it begins to appear among amateurs on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, where it finds some distribution.

Azimina three-bladed is a relatively new fruit crop, but in Lately is getting more and more famous.

In our country, pawpaw breeding has recently begun, but several variety forms of Ivanenko F.K. have already been obtained in Sochi, they differ from total mass seedlings with larger and tastier fruits, and higher yields.

Photo 59 Photo 60

1. Sochi-11 (photo 59)- vigorous variety early term ripening (from the 3rd decade of August to mid-September). The trees have a broad pyramidal habit of the crown, the leaves are large, up to 36 cm long. Fruits of average weight are 120-130 g, the maximum weight of fruits is up to 350 g, the yield of a 9-10 year old tree, subject to the necessary agricultural practices, is up to 10 kg. Trees at this age have a crown diameter of up to 3 m with a tree height of 3-4 m. The color of the skin of the fruit is light yellowish-green, sometimes with fully ripe almost yellow, the flesh is yellowish-orange, good taste, the seeds are large, relatively few.

2. Dessert (photo 60) - a variety of medium vigor and medium ripening. The trees have a pyramidal habit of the crown, leaves of medium length, fruits with an average weight of 110-130 g, with a maximum weight of up to 250-270 g. The color of the skin is light green, the fruits are oval or rounded, the seeds are of medium size, the content of pulp in the fruits in relation to the mass seeds up to 93-95%. The pulp is yellow, good taste, tender, melting.

Amateur gardeners grow pawpaw in the Kuban, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd and other cities in southern Russia. There are even amateurs who are trying to grow paws indoors in Ufa and Novosibirsk (see photo 61).

Photo 61

Tasks for the selection of pawpaws in Orenburg:

1. Collect forms of the most northern origin

2. Test them in the form of: stlanets with shelter, stlanets without shelter, in the form of a bush, "C grade", a tree with a low stem, a free-growing tree.

3. Select the most winter-hardy large-fruited crops with high palatability.

4. Make pairs for hybridization among winter-hardy:

A) early-ripening form x early-ripening form (green or white-fleshed late-ripening fruits have a repulsive odor)

B) large-fruited x large-fruited (with an equal weight of the fruit, give preference to those that have fewer seeds, both in weight, in size, in number).

At the first stage, plants were noted that froze less in winter, as well as plants that recovered faster. Received hybrid seedlings between the most winter-hardy and the fastest growing plants that restore the crown. Among the least freezing were pairs for crossing and pairs between quickly recovering. We wanted to consolidate these qualities in the offspring.

There is information about attempts to grow paws in Belarus. In Ukraine, pawpaw grows in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, in Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson regions, etc. In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, an amateur gardener who has grown pawpaw from seeds obtained from Tashkent, Sochi, Yalta and other cities is trying to get distant hybrids between pawpaw and Annona Cherimola.

It remains only to wish success in the introduction, selection of this wonderful culture and obtaining high yields excellent fruits.

The material was provided by Khusnutdinov Radik Mukhametnagimovich with an addition:

Lyashenko Nikolai Alexandrovich Dedicated to his blessed memory.

The material has not been previously published. Part of the photo material is taken from the Internet.


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