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Telepathy: thought transmission at a distance - learning and practice. How to inspire a thought to a person at a distance Communication with thoughts

"Telepathy" is the transmission of thoughts at a distance without the help of physical sense organs between the receiving and transmitting individual (reducer and recipient).

Fundamentals of telepathy.

I understand that everyone is eager to learn how to train such a valuable ability in themselves as soon as possible. But wait, I'll have to cover the basics. When people communicate, they use only three types of influence:

A) Sound, namely speech, the production of sounds.
B) Gestures and facial expressions, as well as all other physical actions.
C) Intuition, the subconscious factor. Direct telepathy.

Almost everyone has this property, but few can correctly and consciously perceive and transmit information. Each of you can remember cases from your life when, for example, you think hard about a person and he appears. Or when, during a dialogue, such a phrase flies out: "You read my mind! I wanted to say the same thing!"
To most, such accidents seem like a miracle or fun, but few people thought about the fact that this is quite characteristic of a person. However, we do not pay attention to many things in this life. Some skeptical people say that this is all fiction, a game of the imagination, but none of them realized that this "obvious" is also amenable to research. Much has been written about telepathy. Basically, the understanding of this "miracle" came from the East. Ancient researchers wrote a huge number of works devoted to the self-knowledge of man, which cannot be counted. However, behind the veil of "I don't want to" these works still remain inaccessible to the average statistical person. Well, let's try to open the curtain!

With the first two points, I think there are no questions. We are interested in the third case. Surely many have noticed that there are people who can smile at you, make compliments, but the person is still unpleasant. And when you ask why you didn't like Mr. N, they usually answer: "I don't know, I just didn't like it - I can't explain it."
In order to understand why Mr. H became unpleasant, one must introduce such a concept as "setting". Each of us, during a conversation, tries to penetrate into the inner world of another person in order to better understand him and, accordingly, answer him correctly, in order to derive some benefit from the conversation - to come to a general agreement, or vice versa, to quarrel ... Correct attunement to a person gives a lot . If you describe it in a nutshell, then "you feel in his shoes" and returning to yours - report that they feel this or that. Why do we need tuning in experiments on telepathy? It is necessary in order for you to correctly formulate the image of the person to whom
you want something mentally inspire. So, I offer several types of settings.

Scheduled Tuning. (Meditation)

This view is the most recommended, as you are purposefully using the attunement to experience telepathy.
You need to get comfortable, that is, sit in a comfortable position with a straight spine. Relax, close your eyes, stop the internal dialogue if you can, in general, use any method of preparing for meditation.
Represent a direct energy channel to the Cosmos. You have to wait a few minutes, and the main thing is to keep the channel in your mind and not be distracted. Next, you visualize an image of the person to whom you want to send a telepathic letter. Many advise to remember as many parameters of this person as possible, but I realized that this is not the main thing. Just feel the presence of the recipient, think about him. You need to stay in this state for several minutes. When you realize that the person seems to be next to you, you need to proceed directly to the transfer of information. More on that below.

Short term setting.

This type of setting involves situations where you do not have time to concentrate, but you want to make yourself felt. This method is the least efficient, but sometimes works. It is said that the Tibetans send telepathic letters quite simply. Deep breath in, sharp exhalation - everything is gone! It is tempting, however, to develop this degree of telepathy requires hard work - no one said it was that easy. Yes, and keep in mind that the ability to receive messages is the same hard work. Here even the question arises of what is more important: to learn to receive messages, or to transmit.
In the short term attunement, you need iron faith, no doubt about it. Oh, and don't forget love! By the way, this feeling should be present in all methods!

Operational setup.
(In transport, on the go)

Sometimes it is required to give news about yourself in operational conditions, such as travel in public transport, traffic, etc. Here, as in the previous case, it is necessary to be able to "go into yourself", that is, create a state of maximum concentration. Many have already experienced such a state - this is when no one exists around, except for you and your thoughts. I'm sure you have had cases when they say something to you, but you do not perceive what was said and then ask you to repeat the remark. Surely the type of such self-deepening is individual. But usually it happens like this: looking into nowhere (unfocused look, "staring at one point"), thoughts rush in the center of the brain. Notice that the brain always thinks differently. Just try to formulate where the thoughts are rushing through. With the right concentration, thoughts do not exist in the frontal lobe of the brain, but closer to the center or back of the head.
The main thing in operational tuning is not to let extraneous thoughts take you out of a state of concentration. As in the previous case, you need to visualize a person, his parameters (first name, last name, place of residence, etc.). Similarly, you release a direct channel into the Cosmos, and then proceed to the transfer of thoughts.

Transfer of information

So, you have learned to tune in. Now let's move on to the most important thing - the correct transmission of information. Many yoga schools, esotericists advise various methods of transmission: with the help of chakras, energy. They offer complex various schemes - this is all wonderful, but it does not always work. In our world, everything is as complicated as it is simple. It's not about the method, but about the person himself and his compatibility with one way or another. You see that I am not using any particular esoteric terminology in the text. I want to convey the concept of telepathy the way it fit in my head and was based on my personal experience.
Suppose you have correctly tuned in to a person, presented his image. Now you need to stop the internal dialogue and clearly articulate what you want to send. Pay full attention to the letter, feel it. When the letter is ripe, take a deep breath and, with a sharp but gentle exhalation, push the letter up the channel you established during tuning. Follow the writing and visualize as accurately as possible how it descends through the channel of another person and enters his consciousness. Usually I imagine how the formed letter in the center of the head slowly flows to the top of the head and rushes up with the exhalation. Perhaps you can imagine something else.
To the question: “How do I know that the letter has reached, or was it my letter?”, A sly smile arises: telepathy is a thankless task. Do you know why? Because it's not fantasy. Here you will not see how your message will sound in the ears of a person, or a hologram of your thoughts will appear to him - forget it. Everything will depend not only on you, but to a greater extent on the recipient, who, at best, will remember you, but will not attach any importance.

Spontaneous acquisition of information.

I will not tire of repeating that the sensations during the transmission or reception of a telepathic letter are purely individual. Here you yourself must determine how you feel that "someone is knocking on your brain." Usually these are goosebumps in the back of the head, shoulder blades, and the entire spinal column. You may also feel warmth on the top of your head, or a "nail". Decide for yourself here. In fact, when you spontaneously receive a letter, you will experience some of these sensations. It is very important to understand who is sending you the letter. Here I advise you to relax a little, clear your thoughts, and then abruptly let them in. Who you remember first is the one you are looking for. In India, it is generally believed that the first impression is the most correct.

Ways to visualize a letter

Having imagined the energy channel, you will need to choose the best way to send letters. It is possible, as I wrote above, to present an information ball and only send it. You can use a system of short pulses that you will send after, say, 10 seconds. You can also try to make your thoughts become the thoughts of another person, but this option requires a lot of practice. Obviously, you can transfer yourself to where your friend is and manage the situation from there, but all this is not quite telepathy anymore - other processes are involved there that require detailed consideration.

Targeted acquisition of information.

If you have agreed with a friend about a telepathic session, then you need favorable conditions. One must correctly send, the other must receive thoughts. In this case, a two-way setting is required. To receive information, you need to enter a meditative state (tune in), clear your mind and interrupt the internal dialogue, and only then let thoughts into your mind. It is not difficult to guess that it is necessary to visualize a ball with information descending from above through the communication channel.
There is another very important thing in bilateral experience. Some people think that telepathy is like talking on the phone. That is, you can interrupt the other person at any time and speak yourself. This is impossible. Imagine what would happen if two trains were sent towards each other on the same rails. The same principle is in telepathy: two thoughts directed towards each other will collide and will not reach the recipient. It is necessary to agree on who will send thoughts and who will receive.

Energy and its role in a successful telepathic experience.

It is important to understand that the energy-depleted state of the body reduces all attempts to experience to nothing. The point here is not at all that energy affects the course of the process, but most likely you yourself will feel your own insecurity and unwillingness to have a successful experience. A sufficient amount of energy is directly proportional to your mood, ability to love and truly believe in success. The most successful experiments are obtained in the "exalted state", when love knows no boundaries, you want to jump high into the sky. Surely everyone had such moments of enlightenment, but they need to be caught and even more - to do it yourself, improving yourself, your relationship with people and the whole world. Energy, as I said, plays a paramount role here.
Other aspects of telepathy (thoughts and sensations)

By definition of telepathy, it is clear that it is the transmission of thoughts. It is worth noting that a thought (or thought-form) is not a specific quantity. It can be sound, color, taste, any image, in a word, everything that we perceive with our senses. In my opinion, there is not much difference when sending a thought or an image. Many protest against this, interpreting failures by saying that "you are sending it wrong - you need to send a thought, not a feeling." I do not agree with this, so I advise you to send all possible sensations. How wonderful it is to send a feeling of love to one of your friends and share this joy with them. I'm not saying that people can be treated with this. Try to instill a feeling in an angry person - I assure you, the result will be instant.
For the correct sending of sensations, you need to do everything that was described above, with only one correction - try to imagine the subject of the sending as clearly as possible and believe more.

How can one learn to transmit thoughts to another, without uttering them, at any distance? Find out the effective way!

Telepathy sleeps in each of us!

Every person has a psychic potential that is asleep. It can be awakened at any time, only the will and intention is enough.

For example, the ability to telepathy¹ is in every person, it's just that it is in an unconscious state.

Many people have had such situations when, when thinking about someone, a call was heard from him or it turned out that at the same time two people were thinking about each other.

Humanity is under the illusion that words are the only way to convey information. All people live in the information space: the latest scientific research in the field of quantum physics suggests that matter does not exist, there are only moving waves of different density, energy that carries information.

The same is true of human thoughts. They are electromagnetic radiation, waves of certain frequencies. A person with developed hypersensitivity can consciously transmit thoughts and perceive them. Such unique people are called telepaths.

Our brains don't store all thoughts in themselves: they radiate them out into space, and the latest research is beginning to confirm this fact!

So, in order to develop your telepathic abilities, you need to increase the level of extrasensory sensitivity. This is a skill that needs to be trained.

This article describes one interesting way to develop the ability to transmit thoughts over a distance.

How to learn to transmit thoughts? Efficient technique!

To convey thoughts, you must be able to visualize² and. Methods for developing these abilities can be found in the notes to the article and on our website.

The fact is that our consciousness is very associative: it uses various images that carry a large amount of information. With them, you can develop the potential of the brain much more efficiently. One of these symbols, restored from ancient sources, is used in the method below.

1. The practitioner sits or lies down, assumes a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

2. Gradually, he enters. To do this, it relaxes the muscles of the body and face. Feeling relaxed, a person focuses on his breathing, feeling each inhalation and exhalation. Gradually it will stop the flow of thoughts.

3. Feeling plunged into a deep trance, the practitioner visualizes the face of the person to whom he wants to transmit thoughts. Imagine the face as realistic as possible!

4. Now above the face, the practitioner creates an image of a seven-pointed star onblue background. Inside the star represents a white triangle with a vertex up so that it coincides with the top of the star.

5. The person continues to visualize the figure fromstars and triangles, making itbright and clear. At the same time, it holds the face of the object.

6. After some time, he will feel that the communication channel is ready, and begins to send a thought, internally repeating it clearly. The practitioner imagines how the figure above the face seems to resonate, vibrate, for each pronunciation of a thought and transfer it to the right person.

7. After 5-10 minutes, the practice can be completed.

You will be surprised at the effectiveness of this method!

At the beginning of classes, you need to take into account that thoughts need time to reach a person, and it is not so strong, not so charged with energy. Gradually, with the development of skill, you will learn to transfer thoughts very quickly!

This exercise will increase your concentration and hypersensitivity, will develop work in an altered state of consciousness: you can use these results to develop your superpowers and bring your telepathy skills to perfection!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Telepathy is the hypothetical ability of the brain, which does not have reliable experimental evidence, to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or organism at a distance, or to receive them from it, without using any known means of communication or manipulation (



Each of us, when talking, tries to penetrate into the inner world of another person in order toYou better understand him and, accordingly, answer him correctly in order to derive any benefit from the conversation - to come to a general agreement, or vice versa, to quarrel ... Correct attunement to a person gives a lot. If you describe it in a nutshell, then "you feel in his shoes" and returning to your own - docokay, that they say you feel something. Why do we need tuning in experiments on telepathy? It is necessary in order for you to correctly formulate the image of the person to whom you want to mentally inspire something.

And So, I offer several types of settings.

1. Scheduled Tuning (Meditation)

You need to get comfortable, that is, sit in a comfortable position with a straight spine. Relax, close your eyes, stop the internal dialogue if you can. In general, use any method of preparation for meditation.

Represent a direct energy channel to the Cosmos. You have to wait a few minutes, and most importantly. keep the channel in mind and not be distracted. Next, you visualize an image of the person to whom you want to send a telepathic letter. Many advise to remember as many parameters of this person as possible, but I realized that this is not the main thing. Just feel the presence of the recipient, think about him. You need to stay in this state for several minutes. When you realize that the person seems to be with you, you need to proceed directly to the transfer of information.

2. Operational setup (in transport, on the go)

Sometimes you need to give a message about yourself in operational conditions, such as travel in public transport, traffic, etc. Here, as in the previous case, you need to be able to "go into yourself", that is, create a state of maximum concentration. Many have already experienced such a state - this is when no one exists around you, except for you and your thoughts. I'm sure you have had cases when they say something to you, but you do not perceive what was said and forgive me to repeat the remark later. Surely the type of such self-deepening is individual. But usually it happens like this: a look into nowhere (a defocused look, "staring at one point"), thoughts rush in the center of the brain. Notice that the brain always thinks differently. Just try to formulate where the thoughts are rushing through. With the right concentration, thoughts do not exist in the frontal lobe of the brain, but closer to the center or back of the head.

The main thing in operational tuning is not to let extraneous thoughts take you out of a state of concentration. It is the same in the previous case, when you need to visualize a person, his parameters (first name, last name, place of residence, etc.). Similarly, you release a direct channel into the Cosmos, and then proceed to the transfer of thoughts.

3. Momentary setting

This type of setting involves situations where you do not have time to concentrate. but I want to let you know. This method is the least efficient, but sometimes works. It is said that the Tibetans send telepathic letters quite simply. Deep breath, sharp exhalation - everything is gone! It's tempting, however, to develop this degree of telepathy requires hard work - no one said it was that easy. Yes, and keep in mind that the ability to receive messages is the same hard work. Here even the question arises of what is more important: to learn to receive messages, or to transmit.

In the short term attunement, you need iron faith, no doubt about it. Oh, and don't forget love! By the way, this feeling should be present in all methods!


So, you have learned to tune in. Now let's move on to the most important thing - the correct transmission of information. Many yoga schools, esotericists advise various methods of transmission: with the help of chakras, energy. Various schemes are offered - this is all great, but it does not always work. In our world, everything is so complicated, so simple. The point is not in the method, but in the person himself and his compatibility with one way or another. You see that I am not using any particular esoteric terminology in the text. I want to convey the concept of telepathy the way it fit in my head and was based on my personal experience.

Suppose you have correctly tuned in to a person, presented his image. Now you need to stop the internal dialogue and clearly articulate what you want to send. Pay attention to the letter, feel it. When the letter is ripe, take a deep breath and, with a sharp but gentle exhalation, push the letter up the channel you established during tuning. Follow the progress of the letter and present as accurately as possible. how it descends through the channel of another person and enters his consciousness. I usually imagine the formed letter in the center of the head slowly flowing to the top of the head and rushing up as I exhale. Maybe you'll come up with something different.

To the question: “How do I know that the letter has reached, or was it my letter?”, A sly smile arises: telepathy is a thankless task. Do you know why? Because it's not fantasy. Here you will not see how your message will sound in a person, or a hologram of your thoughts will appear to him - forget it. Everything will depend not only on you, but to a greater extent on the recipient, who, at best, will remember you. but it doesn't matter)

I'll tell you about the technique of telepathy, there is nothing complicated in it. In fact, people unconsciously - or subconsciously - use this technique, but because of its unconsciousness, the signals are, as it were, blurred, or poorly perceived by objects (those to whom they are directed).

First you need to enter an altered state of consciousness - the so-called "Alpha", or - a light trance, or - a light meditation, or - stop the internal dialogue, the "thought stirrer". The head should become empty, not a single thought should slip through. How to do this - there are many different techniques, about them not here.

"In order to convey a thought, you must first feel yourself, listen to yourself. You need to feel what feelings, what words and thoughts can make the person you have chosen" - respond to your message.

"Next, mentally you must imagine this person, imagine the place where he is. You must feel him, mentally overcoming all possible barriers and distances. It should turn out as if there is some kind of connection between you and that person beyond all distances. Perhaps you you will feel that this person is now at home and is busy reading a book, or maybe he is at school and writing a test, or just walking on the street ... When you feel that this person is near, right next to you, then try to keep these feelings and not nothing to be distracted by."

Further - we convey the thought: clearly and with reinforcement by EMOTION - this is a very important remark. The strength of the transmission depends on the strength of the thought, and the thought is pumped up - by the emotion behind this thought. In other words, this is our psychic energy, which reinforces the thought, and the thought is primary, and the emotion follows it.

"Create this thought or feeling in your head and feel how they appear in that person, how he feels them, how he reacts."

In some cases, if you just want to convey feelings to a person, for example, joy, to cheer him up, it’s enough to generate this emotion itself: your thoughts will remain unconscious, or subconscious, unexpressed, but you will also successfully convey the emotion. Actually, the latter is what people constantly transmit to each other, unconsciously. This is the basis of unconscious energy vampirism between people, a fairly common phenomenon, I am still just studying it.

How to ask the person you need to mentally answer you? Everything is the same - just start a dialogue with him ... thoughts will be perceived as your own - or he will send vague ones, in the form of sensations or emotions. The clarity of the transmission depends on the power of thought (pumping, the potential of psychic energy) and on the ability to concentrate (to convey the actual words and phrases)

Also, many hypnosis techniques are based on this technique.

From my feelings I can say: during the transfer / translation of my thoughts to another - a feeling at the forehead, warm, as if a soft hoop is put on. When taking - sensations of a slight tension in the back of the head. If the person you are addressing is "closed" and does not want to talk to you, or if he has set a block from unwanted interference, headaches may occur in very unexpected, "unusual" places.

Today, many people have quite strong telepathic connections between close people. With strangers - you already need "dexterity" and experience. But I have already learned to transmit to interlocutors on the network - taking as a basis not the physical body for presentation, but some kind of energy phantom, energy - or mental body - "feeling" it through the character written by him and generated by him thoughts, ideas. Yes, this is also how you can "feel a person!" :-) I have a lot of experience in developing this ability, and I even noted that sometimes it bothers me: randomly caught thoughts of people around me who are not interested in me "sound" in my head like "white noise" of radio waves. Today I have almost coped with this task - cutting off unnecessary, chaotic "transmissions". Now the question remains - how to "protect" your thoughts - if someone has something to suggest, I will be grateful!

That's actually all. Good luck in developing "body" abilities! :-)

Originally posted by

It is believed that all human thoughts are material, and this opinion appeared for a reason. They have great power, which lies in the energy impulses emanating from the head when a person begins to think. Therefore, there is no need to understand esotericism or study magic in order to influence others. Moreover, with certain skills, suggestion at a distance is possible, when the suggestible is quite far away. It is with this phenomenon that everyone who wants to learn how to influence other people should get to know better.

Description of the phenomenon

Under the suggestion of thoughts understand the external influence on the human brain, in which there is a replacement of personal beliefs, attitudes, attitudes and desires. The most significant influence of this nature is close. This is due to the fact that relatives and friends are always open to each other, which is why they perceive information uncritically. It is for this reason that a kind of suggestion of different thoughts and attitudes occurs between close people. An exception can only be people who have insufficiently developed communication skills, which makes them more closed, and their perception of information is very critical.

A striking example of suggestion is the relationship of a child with parents. The kid easily accepts absolutely everything that adults say. There can be no question of any critical perception. Therefore, scientists note the importance of healthy relationships within the family for the development of the psyche and intelligence of the child.

Impact at a distance

Few have the ability to inspire anything at a distance. It is they who understand how thoughts and desires can be dependent. Such people can easily exert the necessary influence, they can influence the subconscious of a person who is very far away. Distance is not a problem for them.

This mental method of one-way communication is explained simply: each person is a receiver who can catch the thoughts intended for him, sent with the help of energy impulses of a certain frequency. Most often, such messages are taken for their own ideas.

Suggestion is considered a type of hypnosis. When exposed from a distance, it becomes telepathic. Moreover, the latter has much greater power when compared with the former. The person who is influenced is called the suggestor, and the hypnotist is called the suggestor. The process itself is called "suggestion".

Why do it

Unintentional persuasion and suggestion can be encountered even in everyday life. Almost everyone at least once faced with the fact that at the thought of a planned call to a relative, that person himself called after a couple of minutes. You can also often notice how, when a thought about something appears, a friend who is nearby suddenly starts talking on that very topic. Such situations are not uncommon and may be taken as the best evidence of suggestion.

However, such an influence cannot be called sufficiently useful or effective. The real reasons for managing other people in a meaningful way can be much more significant. Moreover, it all depends on the suggestor - if his intentions are evil, then the suggestor may even suffer.

Why you need to inspire at a distance:

  • Changing a person's views or beliefs for the better;
  • Correction of the life of the suggerent in the right direction;
  • Drawing attention to some issues;
  • Development of emotions, sociability and other personal qualities;
  • Help in getting rid of bad habits;
  • Improving human health, the impact on his psyche.

Not excluded, as mentioned above, and malicious intent. Some may use suggestion to harm or gain personal gain by harming another person.

For a closer acquaintance with the features of suggestion, it is recommended to read the book by V. M. Bekhterev, a well-known psychiatrist and physiologist, "Suggestion and its role in public life."

Man and suggestibility

Each person may be subject to varying degrees of influence. This is due to the fact that some have great suggestibility, while others are well protected from it. For your own safety, you need to know who is most at risk of suffering from a hypnotist and how to protect yourself from him.

Impact on people

Hypnosis at a distance without the knowledge of a person is most easily carried out on someone who perceives information without subjecting it to any criticism. Such people always easily accept the statements of others and prefer not to argue with anyone. The presence of the following qualities can aggravate the situation:

  • Shyness;
  • Innocence, gullibility;
  • Weakness of character, fearfulness;
  • Dependence on someone else's opinion.

If you have any of these qualities, you should engage in self-development in order to get rid of it. This will allow you to become a different person, as well as reduce the risk of external influence on the subconscious.

Suggestibility is practically not amenable to people of a strong character. Such individuals always get their way, accept other people's words only after critical analysis and easily resist the suggestor's attempts to influence their brain. The following conditions will be useful against suggestibility:

  • Developed willpower, arrogance;
  • Hardened character, frankness;
  • Initiative, eccentricity;
  • narcissism, energy;
  • The presence of other employees in the subordination;
  • Personal independence, lack of sociability.

People with bright character traits in leadership positions have little to worry about. Only real professionals who understand psychology, who have managed to train their skills to the highest levels, will be able to inspire them with anything.

Suggestion Protection

If there is the slightest suspicion of attempts to interfere with thought processes, it is worth thinking about how to defend yourself against this threat. Methods for preventing suggestion from the outside are suitable even as a prophylaxis for people who want to reduce the risk of possible contact with the suggestor in the future.

To protect yourself from exposure to the human brain at a distance, you can follow the following rules:

  1. Avoid contact with suspicious people, do not communicate with strangers of unpleasant appearance.
  2. Do not look into the eyes of a stranger during a forced conversation, prevent any touch on his part.
  3. Refuse to visit crowded places, do not attend controversial trainings.
  4. Keep calm in any situation, learn to suppress stress and excitement, be cool.
  5. Learn to say “no” to people, refuse to make decisions under external pressure from others.
  6. To subject to critical analysis absolutely everything that strangers say, not to take everything on faith.
  7. Limit communication with unfamiliar people, do not tell important information about your life.
  8. Train your stamina by cultivating iron discipline in yourself and doing exercises to develop willpower.

Those who are especially afraid of being exposed to hypnotists can resort to an easier method of protection. Its essence is simple: when you go outside, you need to wear sunglasses, a hood and headphones. However, it is worth considering that even with such protection, trained suggestors will be able to exert their influence.

The main signs that a person has been suggested are unusual thoughts or actions for him and increased daytime sleepiness.

Methods of suggestion

All techniques of suggestion of thoughts at a distance allow you to achieve the desired result. It is recommended to start with the main one, and only then switch to additional ones. Gradually, with regular repetition, the skill of suggestion will develop, making it possible to influence even strong people.

Main method

Impressing a thought is not an easy task, but no special training is required to apply abilities in practice. You just need to remember how to do everything right, and practice. If you have a friend who has the skill of suggestion, you can turn to him for help. Even without pedagogical abilities, he will be able to increase the effectiveness of training.

What you need to do for suggestion:

  1. Sit in a comfortable chair, relax as much as possible so that every part of the body becomes free, and also take a few deep breaths.
  2. Close your eyes, calmly think about the thought that you plan to inspire the suggester, make sure that it is clear and concise.
  3. Imagine the person you want to hypnotize as if he is nearby, and you will need to feel him.
  4. Start slowly pronouncing your order, you need to repeat it several times, avoiding the appearance of outside thoughts in your head.
  5. Imagine how the suggerent does what is suggested to him, visualize everything in as much detail as possible.

This method is considered the main one and allows you to influence most people. At first, it may not work, but with regular practice, the result will still appear. When choosing a suggerent, it is necessary to take into account its psychological characteristics, because. too strong a personality will not succumb to suggestion by a beginner.

Additional Methods

If desired, you can use other methods that will bring no less effect. In some situations, they will be even more effective. Therefore, they should not be neglected. However, it is not recommended to train all methods of suggestion at once, because. this will seriously slow down progress.

What methods of suggestion of thoughts can be applied:

  1. Photo teams. A fairly simple method that will be effective for beginners. To use it, you will need to have a photograph of the person you want to telepathically hypnotize. The advantage of this method is that there is no need for long-term retention of the image. The application takes place in the same way as in the main technique, but instead of a figurative representation, you just need to focus on the photo. You need to say the command many times in a row.
  2. Impact on animals. The technique will allow you to influence your pet. It is important that the pet is exactly your own, and well known, and not just bought. When you establish a connection with him, you will be able to telepathically receive answers from your pet. To do this, you just need to sit next to him, relax, distract from everything else, close your eyes and imagine his image. These actions are repeated many times until a feeling of full contact appears, after which communication can begin.
  3. Therapeutic hypnosis. Suggestion can be used to help a person cope with illness or pain. It is necessary to imagine that a ball filled with warm energy is flying towards the suggerent, which is able to heal him, and then the patient inhales it, which leads to the spread of heat throughout the body and the manifestation of happiness. The hypnotist is required to feel the sensation that fills the body of a loved one.

Each method requires a separate training. Therefore, it is worth choosing one of them and doing regular practice. It is recommended to pay special attention to the first method of suggestion, because. it is he who often leads to positive results for beginners.

Some use the main method of suggestion for normal communication, simply by passing thought letters to each other.

You can increase the effectiveness of suggestion with the help of training, as well as the implementation of a number of simple recommendations. It is worth paying attention to all this even before the first attempts to hypnotize someone.


Many despair and do not understand how to mentally influence a person who is very far away. If attempts to inspire your thought do not bring success, it is worth practicing with special methods. They will teach you to have a more stable and stronger effect on the suggerent. Exercise is recommended to be performed daily, but it is important not to overexert yourself so as not to face negative consequences.

The most effective training options:

  1. Figurative representation. You need to remember any of your acquaintances and try to focus as much as possible on his appearance, actions, thoughts, feelings. You need to do all this with your eyes closed, without being distracted by anything. You can complicate the task by choosing a stranger for the image.
  2. Training on nearby people. You should try to concentrate on the person who is nearby. You need to feel it as much as possible and start giving orders. For example, "come to me, you have to do it, get up and come here." Phrases in the head can be anything, but they should remain short and clear.

Such simple exercises are enough to learn how to manage people. You just need to adhere to the correct execution, making them an obligatory part of your day.

  1. During the procedure of suggestion, the atmosphere in the room should be as calm, quiet and comfortable as possible. The light should be dimmed.
  2. You need to believe that soon the result will be achieved, and the order will reach the suggerent. There can be no doubt about the effectiveness of suggestion.
  3. When suggesting, you need to breathe slowly, taking deep breaths and exhalations. Moreover, on exhalation, one should imagine how thoughts come out of the 3rd eye, going to the suggerent.
  4. It is best to conduct hypnosis at a distance in the evening or at night. With daily training, the performance will be slightly lower.
  5. Every day you should try to influence a person. You can not skip training, allowing the mind to be distracted from the goals.
  6. You can not show negative emotions when suggesting, you need to give up thoughts about dissatisfaction with yourself or the results.
  7. Free time should be diluted with yoga classes. She will teach you how to breathe correctly, as well as concentrate on one thought.
  8. It is necessary to choose the suggestible correctly. You should not take for training the image of a strong person who has achieved great success or has a strong psyche.
  9. Light relaxing music should play in the background during training. Its volume should be moderate.
  10. Special training of figurative thinking with the help of classical exercises will have a positive effect on the final result of suggestion.

It is worth following all 10 recommendations for those who decide to achieve the maximum result in a short time. The rest can be excluded from the list of tips on yoga and imaginative thinking training. Other points are extremely important to fulfill.

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