Vegetable growing. Gardening. Decoration of the site. Buildings in the garden


How to drive moles out of your dacha
2021-09-09 17:04:47 How to drive moles out of your dacha To favorites! Let me make a reservation right away: we will not discuss how to destroy moles. Despite the damage they cause, I have good feelings for these little animals and don’t want to destroy them. But...
DIY landscape design
2021-09-08 15:01:02 DIY landscape design November 25, 2015 No mercy for those who call a pile of stones and earth a rock garden! Landscape designer Olga Kirillova reveals professional secrets of creating a real alpine...
Coniferous compositions in the landscape design of a summer cottage + photos of plants
2021-09-05 23:43:13 Coniferous compositions in the landscape design of a summer cottage + photos of plants Until recently, it was believed that it would be more appropriate to decorate a garden with deciduous trees and flowers. “Christmas trees should grow in the forest,” domestic gardeners were confident. But times and views have changed and...
Why autumn lawn planting is preferable, and how to sow lawn grass in autumn
2021-09-03 00:54:35 Why autumn lawn planting is preferable, and how to sow lawn grass in autumn The highest quality and thickest lawn grass is obtained when planted in spring or autumn, since in the summer months there is a high probability of drought - the seeds may not sprout, and...
Simple ways to fight moles in the garden
2021-09-02 07:45:21 Simple ways to fight moles in the garden 1. Kerosene. (kerosene solution: 100 ml per bucket of water). Simply soak tow or rags in the solution and place them in molehills. 2. Naphthalene. It is believed that a persistent and strong smell repels and...
How to arrange a living fence at your dacha and what is better to plant as a hedge?
2021-09-01 07:52:21 How to arrange a living fence at your dacha and what is better to plant as a hedge? Ugly fences spoil the countryside landscape. Planting a hedge in your dacha will help to mark the boundaries of the site and not disturb the natural harmony. It's nice to relax, admiring not rotten...
10 effective ways to get rid of a mole in the country
2021-08-30 08:42:10 10 effective ways to get rid of a mole in the country Sometimes you have to fight for the harvest and beauty of your garden! How to get rid of moles on a site, the most effective way will be discussed in this article. When choosing a method to expel these animals,...
DIY garden figures
2021-08-29 07:38:24 DIY garden figures It’s good when there is a place outside the city where you can enjoy fresh air, nature and the creations of your own hands. After all, we all want our dacha to be beautiful, so we do a lot...
How to quickly get rid of moles in the garden - effective methods and folk remedies
2021-08-28 14:32:12 How to quickly get rid of moles in the garden - effective methods and folk remedies The site “I am a villager” is glad to welcome you, dear friends. No one likes it when someone ruins their work. And what can we say about our gardeners, who carefully cherish their...
Fences for the front garden: 8 options for creating a stylish fence
2021-08-28 14:03:11 Fences for the front garden: 8 options for creating a stylish fence A front garden in front of the windows or the entrance to the site is a pleasant and necessary thing. Many owners believe that the front garden is the face of a private yard or summer cottage. The decorative appearance largely depends on...